My Dealer Auction Corp., Logo
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Thousands of Vehicles

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Professional Auto Auctions

My Dealer Auction Corp., serving North America, Europe, South America and parts of Africa, is an aggregator of auction data for both insurance companies and rental fleets. We acquire dealer auto auction data through agreements made with some of the largest publicly traded insurance companies and auctions.

Colored Trucks

Many people find auctions can be difficult to maneuver. But we are committed to providing the best auction services possible.

Auction Services
All-Terrain Vehicle

We know how to get the best deals on auctioned vehicles. Let us take care of the bidding process for you.


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About Us

My Dealer Auction Corp. has 20 years of experience in the used and salvaged auto auction industry. Our founder started out with his own dealer licenses and facilities out of college. Over the years, he has established relationships and contacts with other auctions. Our hope is that our services help revolutionize the industry and make it easier for dealers to sell their products.

Our company is an online auction platform that offers proxy bidding with customer interaction. We assist our customers with data and marketing platforms. Our company will supply all of the licenses to bid on cars in each state if needed. We supply the online auction platform that is similar to the eBay™ bidding platform.

We are an affiliate company with Insurance Auctions Inc., which is a group of experienced individuals from the insurance industry, salvage industry, and banking industry. Our principals work hands-on with some of the largest exporters of salvage vehicles from the United States in the world. Insurance Auctions inc in collaboration with My Dealer Auction corp., establishes relationships with satellite offices worldwide. We have offices in:
• Dallas • Delaware • Florida • New York • Europe • Africa • The Middle East


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Florida Chamber of Commerce

Florida Automobile Dealers Association

New York Rebuilders Association

The American Salvage Pool Association


Thank you for your interest. Please reach out with questions or comments using the information below. We look forward to hearing from you.

(855) 255-4644

Hours of Operation
Monday - Sunday: 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Can be Contacted 24/7

401 E Las Olas Boulevard, #130-344
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

Service Area
New York, NY




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